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<img src= "https://i.postimg.cc/Prrkhyw8/bdd1bdd1-e9d5-48a7-922b-71dec8f17c35.jpg" height="500" width="600" >
Before you begin your journey, here is a language guide to help you enjoy your experience!
<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1luNOalsap99FitSDZV1yZYFBaKekU_4U/view?usp=sharing">language guide </a>
<font color = "black">
Useful phrases:
What is your name?-Sizdin atynyz kim?-Сіздің атыңыз кім?
How are you?-Sizdin kalynyz kalai?-Сіздің қалыңыз қалай?
Where are you from?-Sen kaidan keldin?-Сен қайдан келдін?-
I am from ... -Men ... keldim - Мен ... келдім
</font> <p><i> <center>
[[meet a student]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/3688c9_a2d2e11e7cbd4e418fa230c341db0215.mp3" autoplay>
<img src= "https://i.postimg.cc/htZCxbv6/951590ce-b28d-4711-94c8-86d35f669dc3.jpg"
height="400" width="500"/> </center>
Kate: Hi! My name is Kate, I am a new exchange student. I've been living here for a week, but I'm not familiar with the area. Could you please assist me?
Ansar: Hi! I'd be happy to help you. By the way my name is Ansar. Where would you like go?
Kate: I want...
[[to be spiritually enlightened]]
[[somewhere to eat]]
[[active leisure]]
[[go to the parks]]
[[go to the shopping center]]
<font color = "black">
Useful phrases:
What are some entertainment facilities in Petropavlosk?-Kandai Petropavl kalasynyn kyzykty uaqut otkizu oryndaty bar?-Қандай Петропавл қаласының қызықты уақыт өткізу орындары бар?
Where can I spend some time for free?-Tegın uaqut otkizuge oin-sauk keshenderi bar ma?-Тегін уақыт өткізуге арналған ойын-сауық кешендері бар ма?
What are the most famous tourist places in North Kazakhstan?-Soltustık Qazahstandagy turistter arasyndagy en tanymal jer ne?- Солтүстік Қазахстандағы туристтер арасындағы ең танымал жер не?
Where can I meet local people?-Zhergilikti tyrgyndary kaida kesdestirsem bolady?-Жергілікті тұрғындарды қайда кездестірсем болады?
Could you help me please?-Kol yshyn soza alasyn ba?-Қол ұшын соза аласын ба?</font>
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/3688c9_a2d2e11e7cbd4e418fa230c341db0215.mp3" autoplay>
</audio>There are several places where you can find spiritual enrichment. For instance, you can attend perfomances at our [[theaters]], explore our [[museums]] visit the [[Botanical garden]], and explore [[memorial complex of Karasai and Agyntai batyr's]]
<font color = "black">
Useful phrases:
Where can I see some historical heritage in North Kazakhstan?-Soltustik Kazakstannyn tarihi kyndylyrtaryn kaida kore alamyn?-Солтүстік Қазахстанның тарихи құндылықтарын қайда көре аламын?
Are there any places for spiritual enlightment?
What is the spiritual meaning of …?-Deni nasihattamalar kezdesetin zherler bar ma?-Діни насихаттамалар кездесетін жерлер бар ма?
What are the most famous mosques and churches in Petropavl?-[Kandai en tanymal shirkeyler men meshetter Petropavl kalasynda bar?-Қандай ең танымал шіркеулер мен мешіттер Петропавл қаласында бар?
</font>So, Kate, our city boasts a wide variety ofrestaurants and coffee shops.To begin with, we have a family restaurant nestled in the countryside amidst nature called [[Usad'ba]].
Additionaly, our city is brimming with cafes like [[Marinad]], [[Semenov]], [[Bakshish]]. Also, we have [[coffee house]], where you can enjoy a cup of coffee while study.
<font color = "black">
Useful phrases:
Where can I buy some snacks?-Жеңіл жүрек жалғайтын тағамдарды қайда алсам болады?-Zhenil zhurek zhalgaityn tagamdary kaida alsam bolady?
Is it open on the weekend?-Демалыс күндері жұмыс істейді ме?-Demalys kynderi zhymus isteide me?
How can I get a taxi?-Таксиды қалай шақырсам болады?-Taksidy kalai shakyrsam bolady?
What are the open hours?-Қай уақыт аралығында жұмыс істейді?-Kai uakyt aralygynda zhumys isteidi?
We have numerous options for active activities in our area, like
[[aqua park]]
[[paintball club]] <font color = "black">
Useful phrases:
-Is it open on the weekend?-Demalys kynderi zhymus isteide me?-Демалыс күндері жұмыс істейді ме?
-How can I get a taxi?-Taksidy kalai shakyrsam bolady?Таксиды қалай шақырсам болады?
-How much is the entrance fee?-Kiryge arnalgan tolem akysy kansha?-Кіруге арналған төлем ақысы қанша?
Our city has different parks, for example you can spend your relaxing holidays on bicycles and picnics in [[Old park]], also ypu can ride the attractions in the [[Central park]]. Another place to rest in the [[recreation center Abakshina]] or in our [[beach Pestroe]].Petropavlovsk has theme park-[[Victory park]], where you can also make a picnic or ride a bike.
<font color = "black">
Useful phrases:
Where can I buy some snacks?-Жеңіл жүрек жалғайтын тағамдарды қайда алсам болады?-Zhenil zhurek zhalgaityn tagamdary kaida alsam bolady?
Is it open on the weekend?-Демалыс күндері жұмыс істейді ме?-Demalys kynderi zhymus isteide me?
How can I get a taxi?-Таксиды қалай шақырсам болады?-Taksidy kalai shakyrsam bolady?
What are the open hours?-Қай уақыт аралығында жұмыс істейді?-Kai uakyt aralygynda zhumys isteidi?
</font>If you want a buy clothes, or eat a fast food you can visit our top-3 shopping centres.
[[Dostyq mall]] is large central trading house. [[City mall]] is located almost on the outskirts of the city. And the most popular is[[Rahmet]].
<font color = "black">
Useful phrases:
Where can I buy some snacks?-Жеңіл жүрек жалғайтын тағамдарды қайда алсам болады?-Zhenil zhurek zhalgaityn tagamdary kaida alsam bolady?
Is it open on the weekend?-Демалыс күндері жұмыс істейді ме?-Demalys kynderi zhymus isteide me?
How can I get a taxi?-Таксиды қалай шақырсам болады?-Taksidy kalai shakyrsam bolady?
What are the open hours?-Қай уақыт аралығында жұмыс істейді?-Kai uakyt aralygynda zhumys isteidi?
What are some entertainment facilities in Petropavlosk?-Қандай Петропавл қаласының қызықты уақыт өткізу орындары бар?-Kandai Petropavl kalasynyn kyzykty uaqut otkizu oryndaty bar?]
How to get to Dostyq Mall? -Достық мол-ға дейін қалай жетуге болады?-Dostyq mollag kalai zhetuge bolady?
</font>The water park is an entertainment complex with water attractions and a developed infrastructure for playing games on the water.
It is located on Medvedeva street, 41. Sit on the 24M, 22M or 4M to get there, otherwise use a taxi. The price depends on the time spent in the water park. If the time is unlimited, then 5300, and if the minimum stay time is 2 hours, then 4700
The operating mode: from 12:00 to 22:00 weekday
from 10:00 to 22:00 weekends
<img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/240733/2a0000015c255775ea92053dbdbf07be4f18/XXXL" height="400" width="500"> <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/239474/2a0000015ec0dcbc02011924a756caddf13b/XXXL" height="400" width="500"> Paintball is a team game with the use of markers shooting paint balls. The game is held outside the city, the teams meet on the field at a pre-arranged time and have fun.
The address is Voroniy ostrov, 3 and to get there it's much better to use a taxi.
Phone number: +7 705 103 60 03
The price varies from 3000 to 6000 per person.
<img src="https://pkm.questquest.net/uploads/amusement/gallery/10924/14.JPG" height="300" width="400"> <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=01f15cb026c2da36f356d603f54c46fc_l-4119748-images-thumbs&n=13" height="300" width="400">The hippodrome is an active entertainment in the form of a horse ride on the territory of the North Kazakhstan Region. Horses making their way on the territory of the stable are suitable for horseback riding for guests.
The address is Hippodromnaya, 1, Beskol village.
You can get there by bus 101. The price is 5000 tenge.
Operating mode: everyday from 10:00 to 17:00
<img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/1363376/2a00000164a44eed020e1de2df8a2b120e8c/XXXL" height="400" width="500"> <img src="https://sun6-20.userapi.com/s/v1/if1/5oDwLwPthtS_BRI6_2-EoDtFWTW2fGa6XqU-Xjawp5571DY8AG_jtlbIdg10JzVHnEVdCpVI.jpg?size=867x903&quality=96&crop=182,0,867,904&ava=1" height="500" width="400">[[S. Mukanov State Kazakh Musical and Drama Theater]]
[[Theater named after. Pogodina]][[residence of Abylaikhan]]
[[North Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Local History]]
[[museum of Fine Arts]]The Botanical Garden of Petropavlovsk is one of the oldest in Kazakhstan. Its history began in 1912 and to this day guided tours are conducted for guests. Excursions are conducted by pre-arranged teams.
The address is Yuri Medvedev Street, 41A. and to get there you can use a taxi or on bus 25.
The price is 400 tenge.
The operating mode: everyday from 9:00 to17:00
<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EFXS3rdX4AAa8Up.jpg:large" height="400" width="500"> <img src="https://s.7152.kz/section/newsInText/upload/images/news/intext/000/054/117/901a4e13-d1fa-4a42-9557-fca39fc52f48_61935fbb42810.jpeg" height="600" width="500">Old park, can also be called as park of the first president. The location is next to the [[central park|Central park]]
The admission is free.
<img src="http://im3.turbina.ru/photos.4/1/5/5/7/1/2817551/big.photo/Progulka-po-Petropavlovsk.jpg" height="300" width="400"> <img src = "https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/1551063/2a00000168bd2689133681b833140add077e/XXXL" height="300" width="400">
Central park is one of the popular park in our city, it also has a lot of amusements. The address is Constitution of Kazakhstan, 41. It's easier to get there by taxi, or by bus on 26 or 31. The entrance to the park is free, but there are attractions from 500 tenge
<img src="https://gamecitygroup.ru/upload/images/raapa/www.raapa.ru-userfiles-images-u5yKNuqna5c.jpg" height="400" width="500"> <img src="https://voxpopuli.kz/wp-content/uploads/img/gallery/132/52/416046_main.jpg" height="400" width="500">There is a high monument in the center of the park. And next to it are two real guns from the Second World War and a retro cargo car.
Address: Embankment, 10.
Busses: 25, 31
Price: Free
<img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/1777247/2a0000016b5ee3c1b7e27f38344b833ed276/XXL" height="300" width="400"> <img src="https://geocaching.su/photos/albums/315163.jpg" height="300" width="400">Recreation center Abakshina is the best place to connect with nature, because you can see a lot of different animals.
To get there it is better to use taxi, because it is located 45 km from the city. Also, you should call by these numbers +7 777 147 88 31, +7 (7152) 36-03-97 to book a seat and find out the details.
<img src="https://abakshino.ucoz.kz/images/DSCN2120.JPG" height="200" width="300"> <img src="https://abakshino.ucoz.kz/images/DSCN2136.JPG" height="200" width="300"> <img src="https://abakshino.ucoz.kz/images/DSCN2157.JPG" height="200" width="300">
useful phrases:
How much is the entrance fee? Dostyq mall is the biggest shopping center in our city, it has various popular shops, a food court, a cinema, a coffee shop, a grocery store and various jewelry stores. It is located Magzhan Zhumabayev Street, 91. You can get there by a taxi or by bus, such as 5M, 23M or 7.
The operating mode: from 10:00 to 22:00
<img src="https://i6.photo.2gis.com/images/branch/0/30258560065635784_00a2.jpg" height="400" width="500"> <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/5473371/2a0000017c9cc14892f467120558641ad0e2/XXXL" height="500" width="400">City mall has many shops, food courts, and even a playground, as well as a cinema
The address is Shokan Ualikhanov Street, 56
Operating mode: from 08:00 to 22:00
You can get there by a taxi or a bus like: 9, 14, 20, 26, 4а, 5, 25м, 25А.
<img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/7981565/2a000001878afb1a9683a20cf727a6de78e0/XXXL" height="400" width="500"> The Rahmet mall is the first shopping centre in our city.
Th address: Karim Sutyushev Street, 58Б
Busses: 5M, 23M, 16, 24, 4A, 20.
<img src="https://pro-dachnikov.com/uploads/posts/2023-01/1674102179_pro-dachnikov-com-p-mebel-kazakhstan-petropavlovsk-foto-53.jpg" height="400" width="500">Usad'ba is a great place to have fun with friends, have a delicious meal
Address: Kozhabergen zhyrau Highway, 39/5
Operating mode: from 08:00 to 02:00
Their phone number: +7‒747‒855‒82‒75
Average check amount: 5000 tenge
<img src= "https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/5649895/2a0000017e7b7dc5124e0ae6c34fc9f345c8/XXXL" height="500" width="400"> <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/5579175/2a0000017e7b9cf877e426b84543327250f5/XXXL" height="300" width="400">
Grill bar Marinad has a delicious cuisine, unobtrusive music, polite and courteous staff.
The address is Amangeldy 172.
Busses that will take you there: 4а, 20м, 25м, 26м
Average amount of check: 6000 tenge
Operating mode: 8:00 to 24:00
<img src = "https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/374295/2a0000015b169685efca3139e18e39f1bb64/XXXL" height="200" width="300"> <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/5585693/2a0000017d9ea17a3bea15ef12e745055114/XXXL" height="200" width="300"> So our the most popular coffe houses are [[Blackberry]]and [[Lapitsky]]. These places are cozy, you can meet with your friends and drink good coffee.The memorial complex was created by famous Kazakh architects Bek Ibrayev and Sadvakas Agitayev in 1999. It is located in the village of Madeniyet, Ayyrtau district, North Kazakhstan region. It is free to visit.
Roads lead to the memorial complex from the village of Saumalkol, which can be reached by private vehicles, taxis or regular buses from the cities of Petropavlovsk, Kokshetau. Also, Volodarskoye (Saumalkol) station can be reached by train from Nursultan and Kokshetau in summer on Friday and Sunday. The distance from Petropavlovsk to the village of Saumalkol is about 250 km, from Kokshetau – 92 km.
<img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/1047383/2a00000166589c58c66851d46e60465da2f5/XXXL" height="400" width="500">Abylai's house in Petropavlovsk is the residence where Abylai, the head of the Kazakh Khanate, lived when he came here to settle various issues.
Address: Karima Sutyusheva 1B
Busses: 6 or taxi
Price: Free
Operating mode: 10:00 – 18:00 except for the Monday
<img src="https://sun9-38.userapi.com/impf/c629312/v629312625/32c6f/Y-66PmA8Gq8.jpg?size=1280x852&quality=96&sign=3b0e3e99842f6347d6c3d3d842051a9f&c_uniq_tag=9WuGW4lVQke8ch6JooY7j0R5wclu2jAKIYJVrtO8TY4&type=album" height="400" width="500"> <img src="https://culttourism.ru/data/photos/0/f/0f20fc2fca2a398ea3a731ff816931c1.jpg" height="400" width="500">The North Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Local History was founded in 1924. It is located in a complex of buildings – monuments of architecture of the late nineteenth century.
Address: Constitution Street of Kazakhstan, 48
Busses: 24, 14, 5M
Price: free
Operating mode: from 10:00 to 18:00
<img src="https://visitkazakhstan.kz/uploads/photos/1265448422_photo.jpg" height="300" width="400"> <img src="https://ticketon.kz/files/media/7421u15171_sko-oblastnoy-istoriko-kraevedcheskiy-muzey2.jpg" height="300" width="400">North Kazakhstan Regional Kazakh Musical and Drama Theater named after Sabita Mukanova — founded in 2000 and still conducts performances for guests. In the theater there is an opportunity to watch performances in the Kazakh language and plunge into the world of culture of the people.
The addres is Zhambyla Zhabayeva 195.
Busses: 8M, 22M, 14M, 27M.
The ticket office of the theater is open daily from 9.00 to 18-00 with a lunch break from 13-00 to 14-00.
Information about the repertoire and the availability of tickets can be obtained by phone:
(7152) 41-15-51. Ordering and booking of tickets can be carried out by phone:
(7152) 41-15-51,
<img src="https://petropavlmaps.ru/upload/000/u1/e/2/kazahskii-muzykalno-dramaticheskii-teatr-im-sabita-mukanova-pho.jpg" height="300" width="400"> <img src="https://sputnik.kz/img/959/32/9593219_0:0:1039:653_1920x0_80_0_0_89f08e012dcae982318442e4ac79d5d9.jpg" height="300" width="400">Pogodina is the largest theater in Petropavlovsk. The Regional Russian Drama Theater named after N. Pogodin holds daily performances for guests in the form of historical performances.
The address is Constitution Street of Kazakhstan, 1.
Busses: 7, 23м
Price: premiere 1500, 2000, 2500 tenge.
evening performances: 1500, 2000 tenge
phone number: 46-56-56
Operating mode: monday: weekend
tuesday-friday: from 11:00 to 19:00
Saturday: from 11:00 to 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 14:00
<img src="https://www.inform.kz/radmin/news/2021/01/15/210115173032724e.jpg" height="400" width="500">Did you know that The North Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Fine Arts was opened in Petropavlovsk in 1989?
The address: 314 Rifle Division Street, 83.
Busses: 6, 8M, 24, 25;
Price: Free
The operating mode: from 10:00 to 19:00
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/01/Yusefovich_House.JPG/1200px-Yusefovich_House.JPG" height="300" width="400"> <img src="https://ticketon.kz/files/media/7423u15171_sko-muzey-izobrazitelnykh-iskusstv6.jpg" height="300" width="400">
Semenov restaurant is incredible place, with good service and, of course delicious meal.
The address is: 37 Sovetskaya Street.
Busses that will take you there: 5м, 7, 23м.
Average amount of check: 7000 tenge.
Operating mode: 11:00 до 24: 00
<img src= "https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/4441655/2a00000181b99f9feba95bd35de3d2dfb34d/XXXL" height="200" width="300"> <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/7979184/2a0000018723458be726e4043e598686811b/XXXL" height="300" width="200">
Bakshish is an excellent dining establishment renowned for its diverse selection of teas. Their menu features a delightful array of dishes, including pilaf, kebabs, lagmans, pastries, and desserts.
Here are the details:
Address: 30 Buketova Street
Bus routes that will get you there: 4a, 20m, 25m, 26m
Average bill per person: Approximately 5000 tenge
Operating hours: From 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM
<img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/914620/2a000001878de17d19e4cabd8f63fbf2c6ed/XXXL" height="300" width="200"> <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/760153/2a000001878e8f6cb7c034f1288a4c70d8a3/XXXL" height="300" width="200"> <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/8075227/2a00000187138bbdc2f0ea011231814247cf/XXXL" height="300" width="200">This coffee house is very popular, so it has 8 points around the city. That's why to get there it's better to use a taxi ot 2gis app.
Addresses: Internatsionalnaya Street, 43;
Internatsionalnaya Street, 24;
Maxim Gorky Street, 179;
Nursultan Nazarbayev Street, 116A;
Nursultan Nazarbayev Street, 193;
Kanysh Satpayev Street, 38;
DOSTYK mall shopping center Magzhan Zhumabayev street, 91;
City Mall shopping center Shokan Ualikhanov Street, 56;
Average amount of check: 2000 tenge.
Operating mode: everyday from 08:00 to 22:00
<img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/1971563/2a0000016d1a58da78661bd54d13cbd5add0/XXXL" height="400" width="500"> <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-altay/1870294/2a0000016d1a58ecfae8e1aecfdce8175427/XXXL" height="500" width="400">This is a family bakery where they bake delicious croissants and make delicious coffee. It has 3 points around the city, and it's better to use a taxi ot 2gis app.
Addresses: Street named after. Evnea Buketova, 29;
Constitution Street of Kazakhstan, 21;
Embankment Street, 25a;
Средний чек: 2500тг
Operating mode: from 08:00 to 20:00
<img src="https://i.ibb.co/tD8fN64/f2bc31a9-5e8b-42c0-b02d-edf30a86c8f3.jpg" height="200" width="300">
<img src = "https://i.ibb.co/qr0NnqK/3bfbe9eb-607d-4371-9b21-bdccbefe27ec.jpg" height="200" width= "300">Beach Pestroe is one of the most popular places in Petropavlovsk in summer, especially on hot days.
The admission is free, to get there you can sit on bus like 14M, 25M or 4A.
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0_%C2%AB%D0%A1%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%B0%C2%BB.jpg/1200px-%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0_%C2%AB%D0%A1%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%B0%C2%BB.jpg" height="300" width="400"> <img src="https://pp.userapi.com/c855636/v855636263/982ea/xjDv17r0BX8.jpg" height="300" width="400"> <img src=" https://weproject.media/media/userfiles/images/7(37).jpg" height="300" width="400">